Smoke curtains
Fixed NSC series, D 120 class
Automatic NSCA series, D 120 class
Fixed smoke curtain NSC, class D 120, complying with the EN 12101-1 standard.
Fixed smoke curtains, class D 120, resistant to gases with temperature equal to 600 oC for a minimum of 120 minutes. The modular design results in lack of dimensional restrictions. Comply with the EN 12101-1 standard.
Modules connected horizontally/vertically.
Automatic smoke curtain NSCA, class D 120, complying with the EN 12101-1 standard.
A utomatic, rolling smoke curtains, class D 120, resistant to gases with temperature equal to 600oC for a minimum of 120 minutes. Available in versions lowered gravitationally or electrically. Comply with the EN 12101-1 standard.